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GS21-2 & GS22-1 8月《国际商法》课程纪实 长城国际工商管理硕士项目(IMBA)
2022-09-09 10:28  

7月末,长城国际MBA-GS21-2和GS22-1的学生们开启了《国际商法》的学习之旅,本次课程是由加拿大西三一大学的Kevin Sawatsky教授为学生们讲授。作为一名经验丰富的优秀执业律师,Kevin Sawatsky教授从案例的讨论与思考结合他自己职业生涯的亲身经历,将晦涩难懂的专业名词和概念化繁为简让大家理解。他的课程让学生掌握相关知识的同时,也能将这些运用于工作和管理中。

此次为我们带来纪实的是由GS21-2的学生Milly Zhou和GS22-1的学生Lily Sang带来。Milly Zhou曾担任销售经理、国际贸易和运输经理、采购总监、人力资源总监,拥有丰富的管理经验。Lily Sang毕业于上海交通大学,任职于盛大房地产运营公司,担任全球研发中心项目副总,拥有11年的工作管理经验。

GS21-2 & GS22-1《国际商法》



Kevin Sawatsky

Kevin Sawatsky has a Bachelor of Commerce and Master of Business Administration from UBC, and a Juris Doctor from the University of Victoria. Since 1993, he has served on the School of Business faculty at Trinity Western University as Assistant, Associate, School of Business Dean and Professor of Law. He was appointed University Legal Counsel in 2008 and Vice Provost (Business) in 2011. In 2014, he returned to the School of Business to serve as Dean. Kevin continues to practice law since being called to the bar of British Columbia in 1993. Focused in the areas of employment, human rights, charities and construction law, he was part of the legal team providing counsel for TWU at the Supreme Court of Canada in its successful case defending the fundamental principles of religious freedom.



Milly Zhou


Job :GM Office Director

Hobbies: Jogging, playing badminton, travelling

Motto: Never too late to learn

Work experience:

Serviced as a sales manager, an international trade and transport manager, a procurement director, a HR director. Got the certification of MCIPS, PMP etc.

学生心得-Milly Zhou

At the beginning of this July, I received the course arrangement and books of International Business Law. Although I had some experiences in dealing with contract disputes, I still felt this course should be boring and difficult to understand while facing so many unfamiliar words in the book of foreign legal system. The pre-class preview did not leave anything in my mind.


However, Professor Kevin Sawatsky is a senior lawyer with rich trial experiences and years of teaching experiences, so he knows how to help us understand the concept of each regulation through each practical case, and how to avoid risks in the future practical business activities. At the beginning of the course, Professor Kevin Sawatsky's lectures on several cases stimulated students' enthusiasm for learning. Everyone discussed one after another and gave their own opinions on these cases. The professor encouraged students' opinions and guided us to find out the arguments and possible solutions. All of this foreshadows what we're going to do later in the lecture.

During the course, Professor Kevin Sawatsky gave us an overview of Canadian and European and American legal systems. Through a variety of different cases, common knowledge of life and famous historical cases, the concepts of laws and regulations were described to us in simple and profound terms.  It made the legal terms which students used to feel boring and difficult to understand become vivid. In particular, the group discussion about tort law and contract law cases were very lively. Because Cecillia provided some drawings to help us understand the process of the case better.

The "Ginger Beer" case (Donoghue v Stevenson [1932] AC 562 (HL)) and the "Salomon" case (Salomon v Salomon & Co [1897] AC 22 (HL)) that Professor Kevin Sawatsky mentioned in his course touched me a lot. They were precedents for certain laws, and even precedents for reform of legal system. Human are making progress, society is always moving forward, the legal system is constantly improving. Although each of us is used to working within our own legal system, we also know the world is a community of common destiny. Experience beneficial to social and human development can be used for reference, and ideas or systems that hinder social development will gradually be eliminated.

Because the supply chain is planning to move back or transfer to the Southeast Asian countries, in order to serve our customers better, our company will set up a branch company in the United States and a factory in Vietnam. This course made me and my company realized what we need to do in advance if we want to invest overseas markets. It help us to reduce the investment risk and management cost in the greatest extent. Although the United States and Vietnam are not included in this group’s study, I believe that I can make strategic suggestions for the company's investment plans in the United States and Vietnam after studying Indonesia with the classmates of Group 6 this time. The videos of other countries assigned by other teams may provide me with more ideas on how to make investment and corporate governance in foreign countries.

As a public company, CSR is always the key that our company pays close attention to. In my past work experiences, I always thought everything would be ok as long as I did it benefit for the company, the staff and the society. I hardly imagined that I may be breach the negligence law. In the case summary of Professor Kevin Sawatsky, I realized more deeply that I needed to protect myself while doing a good job. It is important to control the process.


I really appreciate Professor Kevin Sawatsky reminding us in the course constantly. “Why we study law as part of MBA?” “It is to make you be a more effective business leader, to make effective decisions and be able to assess legal risk.”

I also would like to thank professors and teachers of Trinity Western University for providing valuable learning opportunities. I believe that we will continue to accumulate knowledge in the future courses. We will guide practice through theory and summarize experience through practice, and strive to create value for the company and society.

Milly Zhou



桑洪侠 Lily Sang










2022年8月,上海格外炎热,同学们的热情如上海天气一般,迎来资深大咖Kevin Sawatsky教授带来的《国际商法》课程。一同上课的还有GS21的学长们,60余人通过ZOOM见面了,满屏洋溢着同学的笑容。Kevin Sawatsky教授开场白就表达了不能现场授课的遗憾,同时也阐述了ZOOM授课的难处,没办法同学生们进行互动,难以捕捉学生的反馈。Kevin Sawatsky教授脱稿分享课程贴心地关注每一位同学的反馈,同学们也未辜负教授的良苦用心,拿出最饱满的热情积极的回应教授的提问,踊跃发言。



这门课程令我惊喜和意外的两点是案例分析和团队作业。上课之初还曾想法律课程肯定是无聊的法条、难懂的专业术语,但教授安排的一系列案例都能引人深思,理论联系实际,有效促进了知识的理解,加上不同学习和工作背景的同学们在一起讨论,又进一步碰撞出新的认知,打破了传统教学模式的效果,让学习变得更高效和有趣。Kevin Sawatsky教授教授安排的小组讨论让我们都收获颇丰,这让我们运用课堂所学去思考复盘新的国家的法律体系知识。再次感谢同组伙伴们的支持,积极讨论作业思路、分工协作、互相支持,非常期待属于我们的作品。




桑洪侠 Lily Sang



Kevin Sawatsky教授全程脱稿和手写板书,与学生互动沟通,让学生能够最大程度地理解和消化课程内容。








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